• #57 Norley Road., North Dzorwulu, Accra
  • +233 50 528 6262

Dr. Anna Ekua Bannerman-Richter


Ekua Bannerman-Richter is a legal and business advisor with close to thirty years of experience in project finance as well as Small-Medium Enterprise development. She was legal counsel for, and served on the Board of Directors of, The Centre for Community Health and Well-Being, Inc., in California. She has been actively involved in fundraising activities in the U.S. and Ghana for the past thirty years and was honoured with a “No. 1 Fundraiser Award” by students at U.C. Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. She has worked with numerous non-profit organizations in a variety of roles, including legal or fundraising counsel and board trainer.

Dr. Bannerman-Richter has also served as a volunteer liaison for the United Way and the Human Race umbrella organizations in California and in these roles assisted other volunteer groups in preparations necessary to obtain maximum participation and benefit from their fundraisers. She is currently the Race Director at the Accra International Marathon and the Chief Executive of the Longevity Project.

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